Where it started…
Covenant Baptist Church originally started as The Connection; a community church. Our first service was held at the Owen Valley Sports Complex on October 11th, 2015. We had 66 people show up for that service and the Lord has been faithful since that day. In early 2016, we moved our meeting location to the 4-H Building at the Owen County Fairgrounds; and, shortly after moving to the Fairgrounds, we were presented the opportunity to utilize a part of our current location for mid-week “Connect Groups”. The building was originally Pell’s Hardware Store and required an overhaul to make it a useable space. Over the proceeding months, we were able to transform the front-half of the building to meeting rooms and offices. After months of setting up at the Fairgrounds and using our current building for Connect Groups, we made the decision to start holding Sunday service in the common area of our current building.
Where we are…
After meeting in the common area for while, the opportunity arose for us to be able to utilize the entire building. Construction commenced on the back-half of the building to convert it to what would become our sanctuary. Again, the Lord was faithful throughout this process. Many volunteer hours were poured into making a large, empty room a place where we meet, sing, and attend to the Word of God. Once this space became useable, we changed from a “small group model” (Connect Groups) and transitioned to a Wednesday night bible study, and continue to hold a mid-week bible study. In addition to the sanctuary, we were able to add two additional bathrooms, a nursing room for mothers, a resource room, and a kitchenette. Again, God has been faithful and allowed us to turn an old hardware store into a home for God’s people that serves both saints and our community.
Where we are going…
The structure that exists at 371 IN-46, Spencer, Indiana, is just a building. Covenant Baptist Church consists of all those people that the Lord has brought together that are seeking to worship God, edify one another, and share Christ with those that need a Savior. It is unfortunate when you hear about folks that feel as if they are compelled to go to a building on Sundays, as opposed to gathering with a body of believers that, despite our brokenness and sin, acknowledge their need for a Savior and seek to encourage one another as we walk in sanctification. We want to be people that love God, love His people, and love the world, as He does.